Office of the Registrar Transcripts & Diplomas

The Student Records Office maintains and releases Westmont College academic transcripts. All course work taken at Westmont is included on the official transcript.

All transcripts are maintained and released in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 

Contact the Student Records Office with any questions
Phone: 805-565-6060  

Current students and those who attended after 1985 will submit their request through National Student Clearinghouse. Both electronic and hard copy transcript options are available. 

Alumni who attended Westmont before 1985 will submit their request through the Westmont online form. Only hard copy transcripts are available. 


        Current students and those who attended AFTER 1985        

   Students who attended BEFORE 1985


Additional Information

Electronic PDF transcript fees for students from 1985-current are $12.00 per order and are processed through the National Student Clearinghouse. Electronic transcripts are not available for students enrolled at Westmont prior to 1985.

Hard copy transcript fees are $14.00 per order. Hard copy transcripts for students from 1985-current are processed through the National Student Clearinghouse. Hard copy transcripts for students enrolled at Westmont prior to 1985 are processed by the Student Records Office.

Methods of payment are credit card or cash (cash available for in person hard copy requests only).

Transcript requests through the National Student Clearinghouse are processed daily on business days. Hard copy transcript requests through the Student Records Office will be processed within three business days of receipt. Rush requests through the Student Records Office will be processed within one or two business days of receipt. Transcript orders are not processed over the weekend or on holidays.

-Current StudentsYou may order electronic PDF official transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse website. 

-Alumni 1985 to current: Alumni who were enrolled at Westmont during the year 1985 and after may order electronic PDF official transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse website. 

- Alumni prior to 1985: Alumni who were enrolled at Westmont prior to 1985 are only able to order hard copy official transcripts using our hard copy transcript request order form found by clicking the "Students who attended BEFORE 1985" button above. Electronic PDF official transcripts are not available due to the way these legacy transcripts have been stored. 

-Current StudentsYou may order hard copy official transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse website. 

-Alumni 1985 to current: Alumni who were enrolled at Westmont during the year 1985 and after may order hard copy official transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse website. 

- Alumni prior to 1985: Alumni who were enrolled at Westmont prior to 1985 are only able to order hard copy official transcripts using our hard copy transcript request order form found by clicking the "Students who attended BEFORE 1985" button above. 

  • By Mail
    Submit the signed hard copy transcript request form and mail your request with valid Visa or MasterCard information to:

    Westmont College
    Student Records Office
    Attn: Transcripts
    955 La Paz Road
    Santa Barbara, CA 93108-1089

Unofficial transcripts are not available at this time.

When available, current students may obtain unofficial transcripts in Waypoint by clicking on the Transcripts link. Unofficial transcripts are only available to current students. 

Former students cannot access unofficial transcripts through Waypoint. They can access their academic record by requesting that an official transcript (electronic or paper) be sent to them using the instructions found on the relevant tab.